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Cleaning fiberglass top

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 2:40 pm
by alan
I used simple green spray bottle and cleaned top used 2 rolls of paper towel but got
It Very clean. Then waxed with mothers calf gold Brazilian carnauba cleaner wax. Left great shine. Lots of wrk but worth it.

Re: Cleaning fiberglass top

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 8:22 pm
by Kentuckian
That was a big job! I'm not sure mine has enough paint left up there to wax! :)

Re: Cleaning fiberglass top

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 11:40 pm
by Second Sail
I too climbed to the top of my B after purchasing it a bit over a year ago and found the paint that was left on there was simply dried out and streaking the sides of the motor home when water ran off the top. I went ahead and wet sanded the entire top and then proceeded to apply two coats of Interlux Brightside, a one-part polyurethane paint I used topside on my sailboat. Application was by roll and tip method and one year later it looks as good as the day I applied it. After it dried 4 months I applied a standard car wax for protection. By the way, the bright white color I applied cooled the interior of the motor home substantially. Just thought I'd pass this on.

Re: Cleaning fiberglass top

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 1:11 pm
by Kentuckian
Second Sail,
Hmmm... I am appreciating your comment that your repaint job made a noticable difference on temperature inside the 190. I may have to add that to the todo list.

Re: Cleaning fiberglass top

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 6:53 pm
by Denco
Well our fiberglass top was in real good shape when I bought the van maybe 3 yrs ago. Norcal sun took care of that issue!! It was looking pretty bad so I bought a commercial buffer, bought some buffing products and went to town.

Ended up with dehydration, seized up and jacked up muscles and a screaming headache. At 57 yrs old (and I've have lots of fun) Using my body for everything it's got- I feel more like 70!! I did have to dig deep to get it done, But it came out looking like new. I'm still not done I have the very top left to do, which I feel will be way easier as your doing a flat gravity fed surface.

I spent a lot of time in bed recovering from the whopping few hundred bucks I saved buy not paying some young strong detailer to do the job. I'm typicaly not happy when I pay for anything but this time I just might have been.

After vacation next week and when it cools down, I'll go for the top surface.

But I will say I'm so happy now that our van looks like new again, you can see the reflection of everything around the van again!

A cover or covered area would be nice, I had a cover once but it fell apart with 16 months in our intense sun. A higher quality SUNBRELLA material like we have on our boat will last literally a life time. But those are at least 1500 bucks, so for now after i get all the labor done I'll pay someone to keep it waxed..

Re: Cleaning fiberglass top

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 8:23 pm
by nvestysly
Glad you made progress and the fiberglass looks better! Sounds like quite a bit of proverbial "elbow grease" was required.

A friend of ours recently used Poli Ox and Poli Glow to restore their fiberglass front cap on an SOB trailer. I created a thread you can see here

I may try this method. Still lots of scrubbing and such but no power tools needed. The manufactures says just re-apply Poli Glow once a year (maybe twice a year in your area).

Re: Cleaning fiberglass top

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 8:43 pm
by Denco
My only concern with topical stuff is what happens when it dies. Getting stuff off can be a nightmare. No experiance with it so it may not he an issue. But I have used stuff that works as the product your describing. It took chemicals to get the dried white flaking product off. I've even seen people use mop an glow!!! It does work but not long.. Not saying the product you mention is bad I just don't know .. I would not mind trying it on the roof only and see how it goes. It maybe great for (UN buffable) if you will, surfaces... I did use some white anti skid boat deck paint once on a failing fiberglass Rv roof and 5 yrs later I sold it but it was still looking good. Got it at west marine very common product there.. Boat stuff is typically pretty darn hardy... I did see the product you talk about being used for boats on the web site. Hey it maybe some darn good stuff. Thank you very much for sharing and helping out with good info. Denis.