No commercial sales ads from dealers or dealer representatives...
Ads listing campers for sale must include the following details, or they will be removed:
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
We also recommend including pictures, information about the condition of the unit, and any upgrades you've made.
As we find them, we sometimes link to ads on other sites, most notably Craigslist. If we post a link to your ad and you would like it removed, please contact us using the Feedback link on the left side, and we will remove it.
There is no guarantee we'll find your ad, though, so you should feel free to post a link here to your B190 ad on another site if we haven't already found it. We prefer that you post the ad here, separately, of course.

B190 Enthusiasts takes no responsibility for the truthfulness of the ads, either on this site or anywhere else, even if we provided the link to the ad. Buyer beware!
However, if the unit is far from you and you can't look at it personally, you may want to send a message to someone near the unit (see the Membership Map) and ask them if they would mind looking at it for you.