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Shower area improvements

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 9:31 pm
by baggydew
For those of you who have peeling paper in the shower area, this suggestion may help to improve the appearance. Mine was pealing on the front faucet wall and I decided to take it off and install a better waterproof material. When I took the paper off, I was surprised to find smooth, nicely grained wood paneling beneath in a single sheet. I got the glue off with paint thinner and lightly sanded the wood paneling. It was in great shape. I then stained the paneling to match the oak cabinets and sealed the job with 4 coats of Satin Spar Urathane. I used clear caulk to seal the seams. I've used the shower area for 4 years now and it looks as good as new. When the paper on the sidewall starts peeling, I'll do that section too. The natural wood looks so much better than the wallpaper. :D

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 10:41 pm
by spayallpets
My bathroom and closet is doing the same and I will try your fix. Thanks, Brenda