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General Questions

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 11:54 pm
by Jo
I just bought a B-190 some questions are as follow:
1. I have an inverter but should I also have a converter?
2. The electrical outlet by the side doors has no electricity do I have to do something to get electricity there?
3. It had water damage on the bunk/berths compressed wood that needs replaced, how can I get a good angle and round corners cut on the front end?[/list][/code]

Re: General Questions

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 8:29 am
by skater
Jo wrote:I just bought a B-190 some questions are as follow:
1. I have an inverter but should I also have a converter?
2. The electrical outlet by the side doors has no electricity do I have to do something to get electricity there?
3. It had water damage on the bunk/berths compressed wood that needs replaced, how can I get a good angle and round corners cut on the front end?[/list][/code]
1. You probably have the converter (converts 120 AC to 12 volts DC) and not an inverter. Inverters do the reverse (technically, they're both inverters, but the terminology is used this way in the RV world to avoid confusion). Basically, do you need to run 120 volt appliances off your batteries at any time? In other words, are you planning to camp without electrical hookups and don't want to run the generator, but have a 120 volt device you can't live without?

2. They should be working. Is the fridge working on 120 volt mode? And are the outlets on the back wall working? If not, check the GFCI button in the outlet on the back wall (hit reset). Then check the breakers on the converter. In mine, I can get to the back of that outlet very easily by removing the drawer.

3. Personally I'd pull the old wood out and use it as a template... I'm not sure I understand your question though.