Does ‘93 B190 have a OBD1 port?

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Does ‘93 B190 have a OBD1 port?

Post by bcrescenzo »

I’m beginning to sense that it doesn’t (have an obd1 port). Maybe someone can confirm it one way or the other. I have a check engine light that comes on intermittently but the truck is running great (around town). Getting ready to go to Jupiter Fl for my moms 90th birthday, and we’re taking the camper come hell or high water! I have my suspicions about what it might be and I’ve been replacing easily accessible parts. I’m replacing the O2 sensor today, but I could use some insight if you have any.
Anxious in St Augustine (Brian)
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Re: Does ‘93 B190 have a OBD1 port?

Post by skater »

It likely has an EEC-IV port. In my '91 it's on the passenger side near the engine battery. This post says it's still near your [engine] battery.
1991 Airstream B190 - bought, 2005; sold, 2011; bought 2017
1995 Airstream Excella 30' trailer

WBCCI #13270, Washington, DC Unit
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