
Share recipes and beverages you enjoy in the camper!
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Post by craigmar »

The other day I received a flyer in the mail for California Pizza and their new creation < hamburger pizza >. I had to laugh as I and I'm sure many others have made a hamburger pizza and it's not something new as of last week. Anyway it got me to thinking about shareing a couple of pizza's I make when we take the grandkids along or meet them at the campsite with their parents.
These are nothing new, very straight forward and leave lots of room for your own tastes. I like to use a premade pizza crust like Boboli because you don't need to mess with mixing dough or thawing and then rolling etc.
Set the oven temp at about 400degrees and if your oven is like mine with a temp setting but no indicator to let you know its reached the correct temp just let it get nice and warm or use a temp guide for a woodstove like I use.
I like to cook my meat (hamburger) at home and then just bag it so it's ready to go when needed. I do that with most meats etc. when I know before hand what I'm going to be cooking for a few days just to save time, cleanup of grease etc.

Hamburger Pizza (Cheeseburger)
one Boboli precooked pizza
1/2 pound of cooked and crumbled hamburger (I like to cook about a 1/2 an onion thats been diced and then add the meat so that the flavors blend, if you like Garlic add 1 clove of crushed garlic to the onions and cook them up until soft then add the meat. After it's cooked, drain any oil or fat and either bag it up or set it aside.
1 and 1/2 cups of shredded cheese ( your choice, I like to use a colby,chedder blend from the market or you can use any shredded cheese you want but this is a cheese burger sooooo
1-2 tomatoes sliced
dill pickle slices if you like which I don't but put them on for everyone else
1/2 cup of ketchup and 1/2 cup of tomato sauce mixed together
I like to add some A-1 or barbeque sauce to give it a little bit of flavor also

Put a layer of tin foil beneath the oven rack to catch the drips and to also make for a crispy crust or put the tinfoil on the oven rack and place the pizza on it for a chewer pizza.
Spread the dough with the ketchup mix to about a 1/4 inch away from the edge, add the meat spreading it around for an even coverage
add pickle slices so that when the pizza is cut each peice will have a couple of pickles
cover everything with cheese and add the tomatoes slices so that again each slice gets tomato then add more cheese
pop it in the oven for about ten or so minutes or until the cheese is melted and then pop it out, let it rest for a couple of minutes ,slice it and enjoy

your imagination will let you create your own pizzas like adding bacon, more onion etc. to each their own.

I also like to make a white pizza or chicken pizza by spreading the boboli with an alfredo sauce, adding precooked chicken breast which has been cut up into peices and cooked with the garlic and onion (again cooked beforehand) some sliced olives, diced tomatoes and then lots of Italian blend shredded cheese, bake as above until the cheese is melted and then let it rest, slice and enjoy.

One thing I like to do is let the cheese cook alittle to get a light brown or burn and it gives it a smoky flavor. You can also sub barbeque sauce instead of white sauce or like the grand kids prefer, make it with ranch dressing.

These are a couple of ideas and you can make a pizza anyway you want with veggies, different meats and cheeses , sauces etc. if you have a favorite, pass it on cuz I think everyone enjoys a good pizza from time to time especially the kids
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Post by Alaskan »

Thanks ya deliver ?
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Post by RobertL »

As a Trained and 30 year experienced Chef I can tell you that if you have a weber grill and their pizza stone or a clay tile(thick) you can make yourself a wonderfully crisp thin crust pizza margherita on even a little portable weber charcoal grill.

I use a basic pizza crust dough that freezes well and makes 2-3 12" pizza.

Recipe works best with a good mixer such as a Kitchen Aid.

1 cup of very warm water
2.5 tsp active dry yeast
1tsp sugar
1tbsp of olive oil
1tsp salt
4-6 cups of flour (see notes below)

add water, sugar, yeast to mixer.
Turn mixer with dough hook to medium speed
add salt to 2 cups of flour and add to yeast mix
slowly add flour until you have a soft but slightly tacky dough.
I mix my dough for 10 minutes( go enjoy a cold beer!)

I usually lightly coat the dough with oil and cover it with plastic to double if I am going to use the dough that day, or you can put it in a zip lock bag and put it into the freezer for a later date.

When you grill your pizza:
Use 12-15 briquets and get the coals to the gray stage with the stone or tile on the grill from the get go.

Cover the grill when you place the pizza on the stone and stay close as they cook quick.

Do not use to many coals or you will burn your crust.
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Post by Alaskan » now we have at least two Master Chefs among us

Did I mention we have more than one waterfront camp sites in Alaska...?
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Post by RobertL »

Alaskan I am sure there are lots of great Chefs up in Alaska, the ingredients you folks have to work with are first rate, Crab, Berries, Salmon, Cod, Clams, Halibut, Caribou, Moose, Deer, Sheep, Bear. All so wonderfully tasty in the hands of the skilled cook.
Di (my wife ) and I went to Alaska to help out with a Church renovation in Soldotna about 5 years ago up on the Kenai. Was a great time,(inspite of the religious overtones) spent a lot of money on fishing, caught nothing but enjoyed the experience seeing a good chunk of the Kenai peninsula, made us both hungry to see more of the State.
Some day we plan to go back up with our Granddaughter when she is a little older.
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Post by Alaskan »

Thanks Robert...

Yep, we have all you mentioned for sure. Spent the summer canning salmon and berries. The halibut is flash frozen....and we have plenty of them off the west side of Prince of Wales.

Next up is fall colors and moose season...

We had a member come to put his rig in the For Sale forum last spring, somehow the subject of Alaska came he then said his rig would be available to a buyer in Anchorage.

It then came off-the-market so they could put it in storage in Anchorage as they plan to return for a couple more summers...

No fish..ya gotta fish with the right people..!
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Good News

Post by craigmar »

It's good new that we have another contributor (Robert) as I'm sure that being trained and on the job for many years that we may get some good eating posted. Maybe now we will get a variety of quick and easy dishes and some that will be very tasty but require a little prep work and a little bit more of time. I am looking forward to some new posts and taste treats. Also waiting for the bar-b-que sauce that was promised a while back.
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Post by Alaskan »

I the fine print it clearly states food posts require pictures you guys...! is a great place to host pictures for use in forum posts
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