B190 database

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B190 database

Post by skater »

Over the past few years, I've been collecting info on B190s that are up for sale. I haven't always been diligent, so I'm sure that I've missed some B190s on things like Craigslist and eBay, but I've listed about 100, including all of the ones listed on B190.com. Given there are only about 1,000 made, having 10% is pretty good.

The one piece of data I must have is the chassis VIN. If I didn't have that info, then I didn't record it, because it'd be difficult to match it up later. Aside from that, I've also recorded the B190's year, Airstream VIN if available, date spotted, site I saw it on, location (down to city/state, if available), the username of the owner, and any other notes (such as if it was a 4x4 conversion).

The idea is sort of to track the B190s. And, in fact, I've already had a few B190s show up multiple times, so that's kind of neat.

My questions for you are:
1. Are you interested in contributing, either by watching sites, sending me info on your own B190s, or other ways I'm not thinking of?

2. How can I display the info? Right now it's just sitting in a database and has no interface. Any ideas on that?

3. Is this just an insane idea? Are people interested at all?
1991 Airstream B190 - bought, 2005; sold, 2011; bought 2017
1995 Airstream Excella 30' trailer

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B190 database

Post by usachris »

skater wrote:3. Is this just an insane idea?
Not at all!

Sounds very cool, I would be willing to help.

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Christopher Salazar
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Re: B190 database

Post by 190-b-651 »

Great idea skater!
We've discussed my theory with the airstream vin #'s the last six being the actual production number. I would like to see all the information that would be great.

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Re: B190 database

Post by Tucsonan »

I think it's a great idea, I'm in!
1994 B190, Sahuarita Arizona

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Re: B190 database

Post by lido14co »


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Re: B190 database

Post by skater »

Well, it looks like there's support!

So, a couple things you can do to help:
1. Very easy: Post your B190 VINs and other info as described above. I'll take Okanagan campers, too, even if they don't have an Airstream VIN. For now, we can keep them in this thread.

2. Slightly less easy: Let me know about ones you see for sale. For things like Craigslist ads that can disappear in a heartbeat, either take a screenshot or copy the relevant info into a PM or email to me.

3. Harder: Think of a good way to display the info.

I'm not going to have a bunch of time to devote to the project for the foreseeable, so keep that in mind when you're giving me info. For example, it may be a week before I can enter info in the database, so in particular be sure I'll still be able to get the relevant info at that time. Right now I'm mainly in a data-collection and idea-gathering mindset. :)
190-b-651 wrote:Great idea skater!
We've discussed my theory with the airstream vin #'s the last six being the actual production number. I would like to see all the information that would be great.
Yep. That conversation is what got me thinking about posting this thread. As it stands right now I only have a few Airstream VINs, all 1998/1999 models oddly enough. At the moment I can tell you there were at least 35 B190s made. ;)

I gotta admit, I've slacked a little bit on this because I don't even have my own B190 in there. But I probably have the info here somewhere to add it.
1991 Airstream B190 - bought, 2005; sold, 2011; bought 2017
1995 Airstream Excella 30' trailer

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Re: B190 database

Post by 190-b-651 »

After seeing the 89 that my friend has here for sale #300036 and my 93 #300651
And Chris just purchased his 99 #301354 i believe it was it all kinds of makes sense. #301354 is the highest I've seen so far and #300036 the lowest.
Im willing to help any way I can.

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Re: B190 database

Post by slapthecat »

Mine is a 1990
Airstream: 1B9KVGA21LJ300122
Ford: 1FDHS34G9LHA61113
It's been in Orlando, FL since Jan 2014. Bought in Mississippi (carfax - and dealer sticker - said it was originally sold in upstate ny)
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Re: B190 database

Post by usachris »

The one I just bought is:


I purchased it from a wonderfully helpful member of this forum, Paul S. in Jacksonville Fl. The vehicle was originally purchased in Central California.

My neighbor owns one as well. I will try to get that info for you soon.
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Christopher Salazar
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Re: B190 database

Post by usachris »

190-b-651 wrote:Great idea skater!
We've discussed my theory with the airstream vin #'s the last six being the actual production number. I would like to see all the information that would be great.
I found this on Airstream's website regarding reading VIN numbers. It totally supports your theory:

https://www.airstream.com/wp-content/up ... t-1980.pdf

C. Sequential Production Number:
(12 through 17 position) 1STGEAU36MJ000001
This is the sequential production number assigned to each unit.
Christopher Salazar
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Re: B190 database

Post by Keystone »

I'm in. Just a thought about data to collect: how about a category called "major mods" or some such? Whereas most b190s are nearly stock, mine, for example, has a 6"lift and 4x4 conversion. Another that sold recently has two forward facing passenger seats and no jackknife sofa.

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Re: B190 database

Post by 190-b-651 »

Sounds like a good idea I've gotten more ideas reading posts and pictures from this group than I could have ever possibly thought of on my own.
Keystone if your lucky enough to already have a 4×4 version of the b190 we all have dreamed of that I know I have. Any information would be great.

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Re: B190 database

Post by Reddeer »

Hi Skater,

Great idea.

Here is the info on my 1993:

Ford - 1FDJS34G6PHA58502

Airstream - 1B9KGVA25PJ300565

All the Best.
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Re: B190 database

Post by skater »

Okay! I have all of the ones posted in this thread so far.

The earliest Airstream VIN I now have is 1990 (slapthecat's), and the last 6 digits are 300122. The highest one I have is 301365, a 1999 model (stomper18). That makes it look like there were at least 1,243 B190s made (which aligns nicely with the FAQ). It seems likely to me they started with either 300000 or 300100.

Keep it coming, people. :)
1991 Airstream B190 - bought, 2005; sold, 2011; bought 2017
1995 Airstream Excella 30' trailer

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Re: B190 database

Post by skater »

Oops! 190-b-651 just corrected me - he sent a lower sequence number, 300036 from a 1989. Therefore we are extremely likely to have 1,329. I think it likely they started with 300000, so that would mean there are at least 1,365 B190s made.
1991 Airstream B190 - bought, 2005; sold, 2011; bought 2017
1995 Airstream Excella 30' trailer

WBCCI #13270, Washington, DC Unit
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