What Would You Do??

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Sheila G
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What Would You Do??

Post by Sheila G »

Hi All,

I am looking for some advice. I have a 2000 B190 (Eleanor Rig-B) that I absolutely love but unfortunately she has a lot of rust on her undercarriage. When I purchased her in 2017 the seller assured me that rust was not an issue. Foolishly I took his word for it and did not inspect her. Everything inside looked great and worked (at that time) and the mileage was super low. She was over my budget but the seller told me she was totally roadworthy and didn’t need a thing so I went ahead with the purchase excited to get on the road. Boy have I learned a lot since then. She had sooo many problems (many due to rust) and it took weeks before I could even get her out of my driveway and months before I could take my first trip. I posted on this forum lots of times with all my questions. Thank goodness for you guys; you were such a big help. THANK YOU. Despite all the problems I kept her because I felt she would be worth all the trouble. And she has been up until just recently. Several weeks ago I lost my fresh water tank as I was driving down the highway. I posted about it on this forum. The bolts and brackets holding up the tank had completely rusted out and the tank fell down and was destroyed. I haven’t gotten a new tank yet because I am very concerned about the ongoing rust problems.

So here I am now trying to decide what to do. I no longer feel safe driving her so I either fix the rust or sell her. (I really want to keep her) I got a quote to completely restore the undercarriage but I just don’t know if it's worth it. I’m retired and on a fixed income so money is a bit tight. The mechanic/restoration guy said the repair could cost up to $4,000 mainly due to labor and also searching for correct parts and bolts since she is over 20 years old. He did say tho, that the engine is in great shape and should last for many years. (probably more than me lol) The mileage is only 47,000. If I sell her I’m going to take a big loss due to the rust issues plus the generator doesn't work. (That quit working on day 3 of my first trip.) I recently added solar so I no longer care about the generator but the buyer might. I also have over $3000 in repairs and upgrades invested in her.

I know this is a decision I must make on my own but I’m just curious …. What would you guys do ….. fix or sell?

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Re: What Would You Do??

Post by skater »

It must have been driven in a lot of road salt/brine...my '91 has some surface rust, but nothing like what it sounds like you have. Any chance you could put some pictures up?

I know it's completely possible, but I'm having a lot of trouble understanding how it could be so rusty with so few miles. Did it spend a bunch of time sitting next to an ocean?
1991 Airstream B190 - bought, 2005; sold, 2011; bought 2017
1995 Airstream Excella 30' trailer

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Re: What Would You Do??

Post by Jersey747 »

Hi Sheila
It sounds like a tough predicament ....there comes a point with every vehicle that you must weigh the cost benefit of repairs.
If you sell it ....are you intending to purchase another one ??? If so how much will it cost? How much will you have to put down ??? Your mechanic gives an estimate for $4000 repairs...a down payment plus a monthly payment and you’ll be well over that estimate .Know that you are not alone , any of us that own aB190 are well aware of the costs ..I’ve put in MORE than mine is worth and I’m doing most of the work ..I’ve just completed a major rebuild of my 1994 ...I’ve removed my indoor toilet and shower and opted for a cassette type toilet And outdoor shower . Therefore I’m removing my grey and black water tanks that I’ve never used in 3 years ...You are welcome to utilize these if you want them ..Maybe some members have other parts / pieces that may work for you also. Good Luck and hope that your decision will be an easy one
All the Best
Sheila G
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Re: What Would You Do??

Post by Sheila G »

I appreciate the offer Paul. That’s very kind of you but it’s my fresh water tank that I lost. Members on here sent me info regarding size and where to get a replacement so hopefully that won’t be a problem. In answer to your question … will I buy another rig … most likely no unless I hit the lottery. I bought my B a year before I retired with a dream of traveling as much as possible once I was free from my job. I don’t want to lose my dream so I am leaning towards fixing her but like you said there comes a time when I have to decide is it worth it. I think it is but many of my friends and family members think I’m crazy to put that much money into her. (They just don’t understand.) So I wanted to hear what my fellow B owners had to say. I liked your reply.

Skater I have pictures but I can’t figure out how to post them. I don’t know where my rig was or who owned her prior to my purchase but I can tell you that I have had a hard time finding mechanics willing to work on her because of the rust. I had to have my propane tank refurbished because no place would fill it due to the condition it was in. The mechanic had a very difficult job getting the tank out because the bolts were all rusted. The body also has rust and the paint is peeling off however the restoration guy said that was not a big issue compared to the undercarriage.
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Re: What Would You Do??

Post by skater »

Sheila G wrote:
Wed Aug 05, 2020 11:54 am
Skater I have pictures but I can’t figure out how to post them. I don’t know where my rig was or who owned her prior to my purchase but I can tell you that I have had a hard time finding mechanics willing to work on her because of the rust. I had to have my propane tank refurbished because no place would fill it due to the condition it was in. The mechanic had a very difficult job getting the tank out because the bolts were all rusted. The body also has rust and the paint is peeling off however the restoration guy said that was not a big issue compared to the undercarriage.
That sounds like an amazing amount of rust...I wonder what happened! You can email the pictures to me and I can post them for you. You could also upload them to a gallery. It's been a while, but I think you go here and create the gallery, then go here and find the one for your username, then in there there's an "upload image" button.
1991 Airstream B190 - bought, 2005; sold, 2011; bought 2017
1995 Airstream Excella 30' trailer

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Re: What Would You Do??

Post by skater »

Here are the pics Sheila sent me.
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From what I can see, I don't think that rust is that bad. Of course there might be something more serious going on that we can't see, but I don't see anything in those pictures that jumps out at me as scary. I'm interested to hear other opinions.

Where did the van come from, and where are you? Here's why I'm wondering: I grew up in Pennsylvania and went to grad school in Georgia. I took my car with me to Georgia, and while I was there, I needed work done from time to time, including a set of brakes. I remember the shop commenting about the rust underneath the car - the guy said, "I'm guessing this car has spent a lot of time up north." The rust on that car was normal and nothing to be concerned about...but in Georgia, they don't have snow and salt like we did in Pennsylvania, so they weren't used to seeing that much rust.
1991 Airstream B190 - bought, 2005; sold, 2011; bought 2017
1995 Airstream Excella 30' trailer

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Re: What Would You Do??

Post by micabarry »

Hi Sheila,
I live and grew up in Vermont so I am very familiar with serious rust, as in looking down between my feet and seeing the road go by! It sounds like you really like the b and would like to continue your dream of traveling in retirement. $4,000 to make it safe does not sound that bad to me if I knew that it was going to be around $4,000 and not balloon to $6,000. I guess it depends on how well you know and trust your mechanic and how much are your travel plans going to be affected by spending a chunk of money. You know what you have into it at this point and you know you will probably lose all that and more if you sell as is. And since you wouldn't be able to or wouldn't want to buy something different your travel plans are over.
If I really wanted to travel somewhat extensively in a van and the $4,000 was close to what I would need, I would have it fixed. If I wanted to occasionally travel but didn't want to deplete limited savings, I would sell and consider renting a small rv for short periods of time. If I decided to sell I would try to see what would give me the best return. Selling it as is, or investing the $4,000 and selling it fixed up. You have probably seen these vans are increasing in value. And there are folks looking for fixer uppers. You could pick a number as is that would make you happy and list it for that. If no replies, consider the alternative of investing $4,000 and either keeping or selling.
I wish you luck with your difficult decision
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Re: What Would You Do??

Post by Jersey747 »

After seeing those pictures ...I’d say GO and refurbish....they don’t look bad.I was expecting much worse...We all Love our vehicles ...Good Luck and think about the awesome trips to come 😀
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Re: What Would You Do??

Post by Sub2RainEN »


Sorry to hear of your troubles. I e had three repairs myself, but fortunate my van is from California. The paint is largely rusted off because it sat in the elements for years after one owner died. It looks like I’ll have to have the electrical redone because the water pump and monitors stopped working, then the outlets. The radio doesn’t always work. I suspect rodents had a wire buffet and figure better safe than sorry. My propane tank was also rusty, so I had it and the fridge removed. Hope to be all-Electric.

So, while I got a great price, especially in CA, I’ve put in $2500 in mechanical repairs and about $450 in RV systems repairs/installations, plus upgraded the fan and added solar. Still need another lithium battery or two.

I’m still below $10k. If I did a body wrap and had the flooring done, I’m sure I could still make a great profit.

I understand your predicament. We love these rare and temperamental beasts. Of course, only you can decide if it’s worth it, but perhaps having an RV inspection will help you get the overall picture? It sounds like your mechanic has looked it over. If not, that might be a place to start. Mine says my B is in great shape, but due to it having original parts, I’m going to have to replace hoses and such now and then. Other than my big, costly repair due to old fuel getting into both fuel pumps, that has been the case: brakes would go soft now and then, just needed a hose. Fuel was spewing out of the front tank, needed a new valve between tanks. Both of those were under $500 and I can manage such repairs. But if it was $1000+ every time and things kept going wrong, it would become untenable.

As others said, if the $4k doesn’t balloon and if the van is otherwise in good shape, it may be worth it. They’re so solidly built and well made inside, a comparable RV would be very expensive.

I wish you the best of luck. I know it can be scary and frustrating when you love these Bs.

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Proud 1990 B190 newbie owner
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